In Whose Eyes We Are The Same , installation, TV monitor, text, polaroids, 2024
“we shall know that fish shout, that the sea is full of noises and that the void is peopled with realistic ghosts in whose eyes we are the same."
Jean Cocteau
The installation "In whose eyes we are the same" is an an attempt to create an archaeology of media (from the medium of drawing to that of the digital image).
The installation examines the relationship between the emergence of new media and the appearance of hitherto unknown forms of life, questioning the idea of technological evolution in the current context of the ecological crisis. Pencil drawings are digitized in an old television, creating a swamp filled with fake tadpoles, functioning as an analogy of progress and media that store and reproduce information.
Installation View, Group Show Nostrum, Lectures on the Mountain, Vyzitsa, 2024